A letter grade banner with staff

Dear Franklin Families,

The Arizona Department of Education released 2023-24 school letter grades on October 25.

I’m pleased to announce that Franklin Accelerated Academy - Jordan Campus received an A! Way to go, Firebirds!

This letter grade indicates we are a high performing school. I am proud of the hard work of our students, families, staff and community that contributed to our success. At Franklin Accelerated Academy - Jordan Campus , we remain focused on student achievement and will continue to follow our school mission to educate students in a positive learning environment with high expectations and an accelerated curriculum.:

School letter grades are determined primarily by student growth and proficiency on the state assessment tests. I’d like to highlight what we are doing particularly well at Franklin Jordan that contributed to our school letter grade.

  • Direct Instruction Model: provides students with explicit instruction from the teacher during whole group lessons with independent practice

  • Spalding Method: research-based method for teaching phonics, spelling, reading and writing

  • Accelerated Curriculum: teaching students concepts and skills at and above grade level

  • Daily Homework: provides additional practice leading to academic growth and understanding

  • Parent Involvement: parents and legal guardians are encouraged to participate and volunteer (conferences, committees, school events, etc.)

Franklin Accelerated Academy - Jordan Campus and our district are committed to continuous improvement and student success. Thank you for partnering with us in your child’s educational journey.